3518 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089

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What is BDSM and kink? What’s the difference between BDSM and abuse? How can I prioritize safety and pleasure in my edge-play? 


Join SAGE, RSVP, and USC Student Health for a conversation on BDSM, non-traditional relationships, consent and safety in BDSM practices, and personal empowerment. We’ll be debunking some myths and inaccurate pop culture depictions of kink and edgeplay, discussing negotiation techniques and safety tips, how BDSM can be safe and empowering spaces for survivors, and defining the difference between BDSM and abuse. Come talk about how to apply consent and equal negotiation in edge-play practices — regardless of whether you are part of the kink communities or not, they are useful tools for everyone!


Have any burning questions you’d like to ask our facilitators? Submit them here (and don't worry, they're anonymous!): https://bit.ly/YesPleaseQA

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