Our next alumna talk of the WiSE Alumni Lecture Series is on Wednesday, February 21 from 12 – 1 pm PT on Zoom. To register for this webinar, https://usc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SucLO0tZRymhQ0JnHI7WEA#/registration 


This event is open to the entire USC community.

🎤 Talk: Water and Processes: My path (So Far) Through Academia


Allyson L. McGaughey is an Assistant Professor in the Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Mexico. Her research focuses on developing and leveraging mechanistic understanding of relationships between materials fabrication, properties, and performance in separations processes for water reuse, resource recovery, and environmental remediation. Prior to joining UNM, she was a Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow at the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University, working with Professors Rodney D. Priestley and Z. Jason Ren. She received her bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Washington and her master’s and doctoral degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Southern California, where she worked with Professor Amy E. Childress. During her time at USC, she was selected for several awards, including the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Jenny Wang Excellence in Teaching Award, the USC CEE Best Dissertation Award in environmental engineering, the USC WiSE Merit Award, the USC CEE Outstanding Teaching Assistant and Outstanding Research Assistant awards, and the American Membrane Technology Association and Affordable Desalination Coalition Fellowship.

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