Join us for some friendly competition in a trivia night! Hosted by Trivia Hub, we have a professional trivia company ready to ask you and your assigned groups all types of questions under the sun! We'll have 4 games going at once, so choose one of the links below! Bonus: Win prizes for winning OR just for participating!

Game 1: General Trivia for First-Years & New Students - all categories; Zoom link here
Game 2: Movie Buffs Trivia - Movie Villains, Oscar Winners, Spooky Movies; Zoom Link here (password: 356685)
Game 3: Disney Trivia - all rounds are Disney-themed; Zoom link here (password: 406752)
Game 4: General Trivia for Continuing & Graduate Students; Zoom link here

**Use USC Zoom account for this event.

Individuals with disabilities who need accommodations to attend this event may contact Laura Merchant ( with their name, USC email address, and student ID number.  It is requested that individuals requiring accommodations or auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters and alternative format materials notify us at least 4 business days prior to the event.  Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner.

Event Details

See Who Is Interested

Game 1: General Trivia for First-Years & New Students - all categories; Zoom link here
Game 2: Movie Buffs Trivia - Movie Villains, Oscar Winners, Spooky Movies; Zoom Link here (password: 356685)
Game 3: Disney Trivia - all rounds are Disney-themed; Zoom link here (password: 406752)
Game 4: General Trivia for Continuing & Graduate Students; Zoom link here

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