3616 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089

https://music.usc.edu/events/ #uscthornton
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The USC Thornton Apollo Chorus and Oriana Choir present a concert titled "The Tracks We Leave" featuring works new and old that investigate the emotional connections of humanity and what it is to be a good neighbor and friend. 

The performance title comes from Jocelyn Hagen’s setting of Native American proverbs in the piece Speak the Truth, performed by the Apollo Chorus. Other works on the program include music by Monteverdi, Purcell, Fauré, Narverud and LaBarr, as well as a special performance of Nick Strimple’s Alabado as a tribute to his final year on faculty after an impressive tenure at the Thornton School of Music.


Admission and Attendance Guidelines:

Admission is free and open to the public.

For the health and safety of the USC Thornton community, the school is following attendance guidelines of the university and the County of Los Angeles for our events. Please be sure to check our attendance guidelines webpage before attending an event at USC Thornton.

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