Wonderland Award Overview

  • WHAT: Explore, explain, analyze, and interpret the works of Lewis Carroll
  • WHO: All graduate and undergraduate students in all fields of study, currently enrolled in accredited California colleges and universities are eligible to participate
  • AWARD: First prize is $3,000; Second prize is $1,500
  • WHEN: The deadline for entries for the 2020-2021 Wonderland Awards is extended to April 1, 2021; winners will be announced at an award reception the afternoon of April 23, 2021.

The Wonderland Awards are an annual multidisciplinary competition, open to students from all California universities, which encourages new scholarship and creative work related to Lewis Carroll (1832–1898). The inaugural awards were hosted in 2005 and there are now more than 400 student submissions in the Wonderland Awards Archive. Digital representations of many past entries can be found on the Tweedledee site.

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