Tuesday, April 9, 2024 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
The USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future invites you to our virtual event “The Politics of Electric Vehicles: Why Have EV’s Become a Partisan Issue?” on Tuesday, April 9 from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST on Zoom.
CLICK HERE to watch “The Politics of Electric Vehicles: Why Have EV’s Become a Partisan Issue?”
Why have electric vehicles become a partisan issue? This question motivated EVPolitics.org to conduct a national poll on Republican and Democratic attitudes about electric vehicles. Join us to learn the results of that poll and what those results mean for the electric car and truck industries in the United States. CPF Co-Director Mike Murphy will lead a panel of experts in a conversation around why conservatives and liberals think so differently about electric-powered vehicles and what polling around this big divide reveals about the future of transportation. Panelists include Albert Gore, Executive Director of Zero Emissions Transportation Association and David Schwieter, Chief Policy Officer Alliance for Automotive Innovation.
This event is in partnership with the USC Conceptual Foundations of Conflict Project.
CLICK HERE to watch “The Politics of Electric Vehicles: Why Have EV’s Become a Partisan Issue?”
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