Tuesday, February 22, 2022 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM (PT) | Online | VIDEO RECORDING
Sustainability in the Post-COVID Era: A Regulatory Perspective
The East Asian Studies Center is excited to host Sustainability in the Post-COVID Era: A Regulatory Perspective. In this new era of rapid transitions, from onsite to remote and paper to digital platforms, we have an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine the way we approach many activities, including how new therapeutics are developed for a global population. Now more than ever, topics like regulatory convergence and harmonization, decentralized clinical trials, artificial intelligence, mobile health, and remote data capture are explored to reduce duplication of efforts, reuse data from one jurisdiction for another, and include historically under-represented populations in the clinical trial process. The seminar will provide an overview of this dynamic topic with a special regional focus on East Asia.
Speaker Bio:
Eunjoo Huisung Pacifici is the Chair of the Department of Regulatory and Quality Sciences and Associate Professor of Regulatory and Quality Sciences. Dr. Pacifici received her Doctor of Pharmacy and PhD in Toxicology from University of Southern California. She conducted her graduate research in the laboratory of Dr. Alex Sevanian in the Institute for Toxicology at USC where she studied the mechanism of oxidative damage and repair in endothelial cell membrane.
After receiving her graduate degrees, Dr. Pacifici worked at Amgen and gained experience in conducting clinical research with a special focus on Asia Pacific and Latin America regions. She initially worked in the clinical development group managing U.S. investigational sites and central laboratories and then went on to work in the Asia Pacific/ Latin America group interfacing with local clinical and regulatory staff in Japan, People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and Mexico. She represented regional clinical and regulatory views on therapeutic product development teams and led satellite task forces in order to align local efforts with U.S. activities.
Her additional professional experiences include community pharmacy practice in various settings and clinical pharmacy practice at the Hospital of the Good Samaritan in Los Angeles.
Terry David Church is currently an Assistant Professor in Regulatory and Quality Sciences at the University of Southern California, School of Pharmacy. He is Associate Director of Pharmacy Undergraduate Programs and teaches in the Pharmacy Undergraduate Program. Prof. Church's academic focus is on application of pharmaceutical regulations, patterns of addiction, disaster management, and education and training. His areas of interest and expertise include history and geography of drugs, biorepository regulation and ethics; drug addiction and regulation of controlled substances; regulatory practices for continuity and disaster planning; and policies and ethics of academic research.
Dr. Church received his Doctor of Science and Master of Science in Regulatory Sciences from the University of Southern California. He earned a Master of Arts in Cultural Anthropology from Temple University. His doctoral thesis evaluated regulatory practices for continuity and disaster planning for biobanks in the United States. Dr. Church is a faculty fellow of the USC Center for Excellence in Teaching and co-chair of the educational committee of the Institute for Addiction Sciences. He serves as Director of the STAR science educational program with BRAVO Medical Magnet High School of Los Angeles and USC.
After receiving his Master’s degree from Temple, Dr. Church worked at the University of Pennsylvania’s Office of Human Research as the Operations Director for research. He initially worked to help implement human subjects research protections and monitor all clinical trial activity ongoing and planned. He then took a position at USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center as Program Manager. He was responsible for all research, clinical, and community activities for Women’s Cancers, Translational Cancer Research, and Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers. For well over ten years, Dr. Church managed the operation and development of Investigator Initiated Trials.
In his spare time, Dr. Church is a cyclist, amateur painter, and part-time crafter. Dr. Church has completed his second AIDS LifeCycle bike ride, riding from San Francisco to Los Angeles. This 545-mile bike ride helps raise awareness and funding for HIV education, treatment, and prevention for the LA Gay and Lesbian Center of Los Angeles.
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