Tuesday, October 20, 2020 | 1:00PM - 2:30PM (PDT) | VIDEO RECORDING

Drugs in COVID Times 

EASC has launched another new series on Regulatory Science: East Asian Perspectives which represents an exciting collaboration with colleagues at the Health Sciences Campus to cover a wide range of topics on health and wellness that are of vital interest to us today. 

In Regulatory Science, we study the regulatory requirements for biomedical products in the United States and elsewhere around the world. East Asia plays a prominent role in all facets of this area -- as developers, manufacturers, and consumers of regulated products.

In our first webinar session for the series, we will focus on “Drugs in COVID Times” and examine the role of East Asia in global drug development. USC Professors Eunjoo Pacifici and Terry Church will weave history, current events, and future outlook of the region. 

Speaker Bios:

Terry Church
Assistant Professor of Regulatory and Quality Sciences

Eunjoo Pacifici
Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Regulatory and Quality Sciences
Associate Director, DK Kim International Center for Regulatory Science

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