The USC Center for the Political Future (CPF) joins Florida Humanities and The Village Square's "Unum: Democracy Reignited" for a discussion with Over Zero’s Founder Rachel Brown to offer her experience preventing violence in global hotspots to the challenge of rising identity-based hatred in the U.S.


Tuesday, November 14 at 4 p.m. PST via zoom and facebook live.


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We can feel the tectonic shifts occurring in our country’s civic life—where the once unthinkable specter of political violence isn’t as unimaginable as it once was, where too many of us think of fellow citizens as direct threats to us, and where what were once durable institutional guardrails simply are not holding. So, now, this is on us—we must come to better understand the dynamics of identity-based group violence and the actions each of us can take to move our society in a different direction. To do so requires digging deeply into the emotional landscape behind conflict – understanding dynamics such as fear, threat, and belonging.


We’ll be joined by the extraordinary Rachel Brown, the Founder of Over Zero—named in reference to the “zero sum game” that exists in sporting events, but becomes dangerous when it overtakes a society, as it has ours. Over Zero was founded to prevent identity-based violence and other forms of group-targeted harm around the world—and here at home. Rachel is one of the wisest, steadiest voices of our time in guiding us away from dangerous (but human) reactions, and toward calmer times. The program is facilitated by Dr. Theodore R. Johnson, previous UNUM guest and author of the book “When The Stars Begin to Fall.”


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  • Monse Garcia Flores
  • Branden Mendez
  • Kat Moss

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