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Bradley Rava, University of Sydney’s Business School

Title: Ask for More Than Bayes Optimal: A Theory of Indecisions for Classification

Abstract: Selective classification frameworks are useful tools for automated decision making in highly risky scenarios, since they allow for a classifier to only make highly confident decisions, while abstaining from making a decision when it is not confident enough to do so, which is otherwise known as an indecision. For a given level of classification accuracy, we aim to make as many decisions as possible. For many problems, this can be achieved without abstaining from making decisions. But when the problem is hard enough, we show that we can still control the misclassification rate of a classifier up to any user specified level, while only abstaining from the minimum necessary amount of decisions, even if this level of misclassification is smaller than the Bayes optimal error rate. In many problem settings, the user could obtain a dramatic decrease in misclassification while only paying a comparatively small price in terms of indecisions.

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