650 Childs Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089

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Due to inclement weather continuing, this event has been cancelled. 

The second PIPE Workshop of the Spring 2024 semester will be Tuesday, January 23, noon, in 308 Lewis Hall.

Our speaker will David Miller (UCR).

The title of David’s talk and abstract appear below:

How Does Prosecutorial Behavior Impact Public Perceptions of Courts?

Legitimacy matters for all branches of government, but it is particularly important for the judiciary, which relies on (1) other branches to enforce its decisions, and (2) the public to comply with judicial policies. Scholars have made substantial strides in understanding how judicial attributes and behavior affect courts’ legitimacy, but we know little about how other players in the court system play into the public’s evaluations of the system. This project investigates the impact of prosecutors’ partisanship and actions on the public’s perceptions of these crucial actors and the judiciary as a whole. We use a series of survey experiments to assesses the degree to which a prosecutor’s partisanship, platform, and actions impact public perceptions of judicial legitimacy. This paper provides the results of the initial experiment and outlines a second study that manipulates charging decisions and sentencing recommendations as well as the prosecutors’ partisan affiliations to examine these questions. This project has important implications for our understanding of the public’s reactions to and support for the judiciary and the criminal justice system as a whole.  

After his talk, we will have a formal discussant: Christian Grose (USC POIR and Price)

Lunch will be provided and set out about 20-30 minutes before the talk begins.

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