Free Event

We are pleased to invite you to the opening ceremonies of the 23rd Red Nation Film Festival!

Please join us to share in these readings, panel discussions, and masterclasses featuring the distinct voice of Native Americans. 

Beginning November 5th, we have lined up three evenings of readings, panel discussions, and masterclasses featuring the distinct voice of Native Americans. See below for the overview. Details for some events are being finalized, and will be announced soon. 

Each event is free and open to the public. Donations accepted at the door. Please RSVP for each day that you would like to attend. 

Come and join in these important conversations. We are inclusive and respectful of each others' narratives so we ask you to please keep that in mind when you attend. 

To help celebrate this collaboration, we are releasing episodes of our film podcast each Monday in October, featuring conversations on four Native American & Indigenous films. Check them out!

Find the podcast at the ShowpageApplePodcasts (iTunes), SpotifySoundcloud, or your favorite podcast app.



“Why should people read about native things at all. The answer is that by doing so you can see everything that this country is, condensed and highlighted. Indian communities and their history are not exceptions to the American story, but condensations and distillations of all of it. So if you want to understand the waxing and waning of federal power or state power, or the relationship between states and the Federal government, or if you want to see real challenges to the Constitution of the United States - you need to look at Indian legal history to federal Indian law. The ways law functions in and around native land, and in relation to Native communities.  By looking really closely at Indian lives, the American project comes into much greater relief and greater focus.” 

David Treuer, USC Professor 


Festival Continues!

(Look at Red Nation International Film Festival website for events November 8 - 16th)

DAY TWO : Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Please wear your “I Voted” stickers with pride!

Live performance by Richard Aviles (Dancer, Choreographer, and Arts Activism Consultant, USC Price Masters Student) followed by a panel discussion: “The Power of Inclusion: Native Women, Two-Spirit, Race in Media.”


RGL 101, Lewis Hall, 650 Childs Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089


Panel : 

The Power of Inclusion: Native Women, Two-Spirit, Race in Media

Moderator: Chris Finley (USC Dornsife)

Richard Aviles (USC Price, USC Social Work)

Joanelle Romero (Red Nation Celebration Institute)

Christopher Racster (Executive Director, Outfest)



DAY THREE : Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Masterclass, details forthcoming


THH 301, Taper Hall, room 301, 3501 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089



RSVP is required!

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