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3601 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
https://careers.usc.edu/students/find-a-job/sign-up-for-on-campus-recruiting/Looking for a job or internship? Sign your On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) contract to be eligible for recruiting interviews!
OCR gives current USC students the opportunity to interview with employers who visit the Career Center during the Fall and Spring semesters. Full-time jobs and paid internships are offered
through the program.
Find OCR listings in connectSC under the "Jobs, Internships & OCR Interviews" tab beginning in late August. Interviews occur mid September through mid November for the Fall semester and
mid January through mid April for the Spring semester. Resume submission deadlines vary, so check connectSC often!
For more information & how to get started visit https://careers.usc.edu/students/find-a-job/sign-up-for-on-campus-recruiting/
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