Free Event

Come join Robert Lurye for a three week special program on meditating in nature. Robert will teach and guide sitting and walking meditation along with mindful movement at a beautiful location on campus. Pause and reflect with the natural world to foster greater harmony between our inner and outer nature.



Robert is a certified MBSR teacher through Brown University Mindfulness Center, a CYT yoga instructor, and a facilitator for behavior change programs that address unwanted habits including emotional eating and anxiety. He completed the Sati Center’s Eco-Chaplaincy Program and is trained to offer support and spiritual care to individuals and communities impacted by ecological and environmental crises. 


Robert teaches at the USC Center for Mindfulness Science, Mindful USC, InsightLA, Long Beach Mediation, Hollywood Forever Cemetery and facilitates sitting groups for the LGBTQ+ community.  He is also an artist working on animated film and television productions and has taught Art at Ohio State, Texas A&M, and the University of Texas, Austin.

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