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Lingjiong Zhu, Florida State University



Zoom Meeting: https://usc.zoom.us/j/97466624791?pwd=WU4wSGo4OXlYT2xUZzhBaUhWdlNRZz09
Meeting ID: 974 6662 4791
Passcode: 803148

Abstract: Heavy-tail phenomena in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) have been
reported in several empirical studies. Experimental evidence in previous works suggests a strong interplay between the heaviness of the tails and generalization behavior of SGD. To address this empirical phenomena theoretically, we establish novel links between the tail behavior and generalization properties of SGD through the lens of
algorithmic stability. We show that the generalization error decreases as the tails
become heavier, as long as the tails are lighter than a threshold. Moreover, we
investigate the origins of the heavy tails in SGD. We show that even in a simple linear
regression problem with independent and identically distributed data whose
distribution has finite moments of all order, the iterates can converge to a stationary
distribution that is heavy-tailed with infinite variance. We further characterize the
behavior of the tails with respect to algorithm parameters, the dimension, and the
curvature. We then translate our results into insights about the behavior of SGD in deep
learning. We support our theory with experiments conducted on synthetic data, fully
connected, and convolutional neural networks.

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