650 Childs Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089

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Please join us for a book talk to mark the publication of Price school professor Mark Pisano’s recent book: The Puzzle of the American Economy: How Changing Demographics Will Affect Our Future and Influence Our Politics.

Mark’s new book spotlights how serious economic problems in the United States are the result of demographic changes and documents how changing demography results from collective individual choice, and suggests radically different ways of thinking and of executing strategies to harness the power of collective individual choice and address the driving force behind sweeping demographic changes.

Mark Pisano is Professor of the Practice of Public Administration at the Sol Price School of Public Policy. He serves on the Board of the National Academy of Public Administration, Co-Chairs the Standing Panel on Intergovernmental Relations, the Infrastructure Working Group of California Forward, and is Chairman of the Infrastructure Funding Alliance, a national non-profit developing an alternative funding paradigm for funding infrastructure and public goods. And for 31 years, he served as executive director of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the nation’s largest regional planning agency.

RSVP to deansoffice@price.usc.edu to secure a seat and lunch.

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