Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1pm to 2pm
About this Event
"Mobilities of Buddhist architectural motifs along the Silk Road," Di Luo, Connecticut College
"Commodities of Colonialism: American Merchants and Indian Policy," Dan Wallace, USC
"Mapping Mobilities" is a year-long works-in-progress series focused on map-based representations of mobilities and immobilities. As both objects of study and methods of analysis, "mapping" and "mobility" can take many different forms. Mobility is a capacious category, encompassing everything from the "large-scale movements of people, objects, capital and information" to the local movement of people and things within the scale of daily life (Hannam, Sheller, and Urry 2006). Maps, similarly capacious, include textual descriptions, static cartographic representations, responsive place-based media, geographic databases, and other forms of spatial communication. Mapping offers one possible way of describing dynamic mobility patterns that can be abstract, obscure, or difficult to read in static sources. At each meeting, we discuss two works-in-progress that grapple with these questions.
The workshop is organized by Sean Fraga, USC Mellon Humanities in a Digital World Fellow (2020-2021). To learn more about future events, please sign up for the workshop email list. Please contact Sean Fraga,, with any questions.
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