Give It or Leave It at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
An Exhibition Tour and Conversation with Artist Cauleen Smith
An Experience L.A. Event 
Los Angeles County Museum of Art

12 p.m.: Depart USC
1 p.m.: Exhibition tour
2:15 p.m.: Conversation with the artist
3:15 p.m. Depart LACMA

Admission is free and open to USC students only.


USC students are invited to take a guided tour of Cauleen Smith’s Give It or Leave It solo exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, followed by an exclusive conversation with the artist.

Acclaimed for her interdisciplinary films, installations, and performances, Smith brings to LACMA a multimedia exhibition of artistic, musical, and textural references that highlight and celebrate the radical imagination and potentials of Black expression. Give It or Leave It is a dense, colorful, and powerful experience that includes six videos, nine installations, and multiple universes. After the tour, participants will meet the artist in person for an intimate and enlightening discussion about her practice and inspiration, and an opportunity to ask questions.

This event is part of a three-part series titled “As If: Reimagining Futures,” celebrating media artists who are committed to alternative modes of imagining the future; rooted in non-white, non-Western frameworks; and refuse the ongoing quotidian violence of contemporary American life. Please check back for updates on subsequent events.

Note: LACMA passes are valid for all-day admission. Attendees may travel to LACMA prior to the event and/or stay afterward to visit the other exhibitions, but must inform V&V what bus trips they will be taking when making reservations.

Presented by USC Visions and Voices: The Arts and Humanities Initiative. Organized by Holly Willis and Elizabeth Ramsey (Cinematic Arts).

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