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Genre and Impact: Academic Writing in a Time of Experiment and Change with Ken Wissoker (Duke UP)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 3:30-5pm. Registration is required: https://forms.gle/6CXU1mCPEspu7uWVA


Join the USC Society of Fellows in the Humanities and the USC Dornsife Experimental Humanities Lab for talk by Ken Wissoker. 


Ken Wissoker is Senior Executive Editor at Duke University Press, acquiring books across the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. In addition to his duties at the Press, he serves as Director of Intellectual Publics at The Graduate Center, CUNY and is currently Vice President for Publications at the College Art Association. He has published more than fourteen-hundred books which have won over one hundred and eighty prizes. Among the authors whose books he has published are Stuart Hall, Donna Haraway, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Achille Mbembe, Lauren Berlant, Jack Halberstam, Sara Ahmed, Christina Sharpe, Fred Moten, and Lisa Lowe, along with USC colleagues including Dorinne Kondo, Tara McPherson, Kara Keeling, Sarah Banet-Weiser, and Jonathan Leal (among many others).


Questions? Email the Society of Fellows at societyoffellows@usc.dornsife.edu.


The USC Society of Fellows in the Humanities is an interdisciplinary community that supports advanced research by postdoctoral fellows and faculty members, promoting intellectual exchange and interdisciplinary approaches to research and teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.


The USC Dornsife Experimental Humanities Lab is a hub for critics, theorists, and practitioners in the arts and humanities who seek to take intellectual and creative risks and move beyond disciplinary boundaries and genres. 

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