Sunday, November 17, 2024 4:45pm to 7pm
About this Event
665 Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90089
The USC Casden Institute, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and USC Shoah Foundation proudly present the 42nd Annual Jerome Nemer Lecture.
Michael Twitty Featured Keynote Speaker- Michael Twitty is an African-American Jewish Writer, culinary historian, educator and author. The Cooking Gene won the 2018 James Beard Foundation Book of the Year Award, and Koshersoul won the 2023 Jewish Book of the Year Award.
Dr. Ben Ratskoff Keynote Response- Dr. Ratskoff is an Assistant Professor, Department of Critical Theory & Social Justice, at Occidental College.
ESVP: ESVP Code nemerlecture24
RSVP Phone 213-740-1744
4:45PM-Reception, 5:30PM Lecture
Parking is $20 in the McCarthy Parking Structure on Figueroa and McCarthy Way
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