Tuesday, May 30, 2023 9am to 5pm
About this Event
1425 San Pablo Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033
Presented by the USC Stem Cell T32/CIRM Training Program
RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf18WACig54y-u_b729fLd5qihkJwKMrDmkj2iuSTZsVUNR5A/viewform
Lunch and refreshments will be served for registered guests. Any questions? Email zunigamu@usc.edu.
9 a.m.: MICHAEL HICKS, PhD, UC Irvine —"Skeletal muscle regeneration and muscle stem cell niche"
10 a.m.: VASANTH VENDANTHAM, MD, PhD, UC San Francisco—"Biogenesis of heart rhythm: building new regenerative models of cardiac rhythmicity"
11 a.m.: T32/CIRM Trainee Presentations—Oscar Alberto de La Fuente (Fraser Lab), Aswathy Ammothum Kandy, PhD (Bonaguidi Lab), Mathi Thiruppathy (Crump Lab)
12 p.m.: Lunch for registered attendees
1 p.m.: SHIRI GUR-COHEN, PhD, UC San Diego—"One niche to rule them all: targeting the stem cell vascular niches in regenerative medicine"
2 p.m.: SABINE M. DIETMANN, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis—"Epigenetic landscape of embryonic stem cells & in vitro systems of human development"
3 p.m.: TOM NOWAKOWSKI, PhD, UC San Francisco—"Role of microglia in human neurodevelopment & epigenomic characterization of human cortical development and arealization"
4 p.m.: Reception and T32/CIRM Poster Session
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