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Culture Journey Team will be hosting several in-person opportunities at each campus (UPC and HSC) where you can take the survey on your mobile device (and enjoy a treat on us afterward). No formal RSVP is required! Please note all events are first-come, first-served.


Below is the schedule of engagements:

University Park Campus
January 30: 12PM – 2PM, Trousdale
February 9: 12PM – 2PM, Trousdale (newly added)
February 15: 7AM – 9AM, Tommy Trojan

Health Sciences Campus Events
January 25: 12PM – 2PM, Pappas Quad
February 8: 7AM – 9AM, HMR Lobby (New Indoor Location)
February 12: 12PM – 2PM, Pappas Quad

Individuals with disabilities who need accommodations to attend these events may contact Elen Melkonian ( It is requested that individuals requiring accommodations or auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters and alternative format materials notify us at least 7 days prior to the event. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner.

Event Details