3550 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089

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"Governance Through Documents: The Board of Trade, its Archive, and the Imperial Constitution of the British Atlantic, 1696-1807"

Asheesh Siddique 
Postdoctoral Fellow in History and Society of Fellows at USC

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This paper examines the role of documents and their circulation in the enactment of the imperial constitution of the British Empire in the Atlantic World during the long eighteenth century. It focuses on the Board of Trade’s dispatch of “Instructions” and “Queries” to governors in to the American colonies, arguing that it was through the circulation of these documents that the Board sought to enforce constitutional norms of bureaucratic conduct and the authority of central institutions of imperial administration. The paper traces the shifting meaning of these documents in the aftermath of the American Revolution, when they came to be treated as sources of historical data.


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