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Tuesday, March 5, 2024 | 5:30-7:00pm | MCB 101

5:30PM - Free Dinner | 6:00-7:00PM - Programming


Join us for the first dedicated networking event of the semester. Students will learn from Dornsife Associate Dean of Master's and Professional Education, George Ingersoll, on how to expand their network and build valuable connections as Dornsife Ph.D. Students.  Dornsife Ph.D. students: Keep an eye out for your invitation to the event in your USC email inbox! 


*Please note this event is catered for Dornsife Ph.D. students in the first year of their Ph.D. career *


If you have any questions or are interested in attending, please email us at phdacademy@dornsife.usc.edu.


COVID-19 Requirement: All attendees must either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have had a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the start of the Ph.D. Academy event. By attending this Ph.D. Academy event, you are attesting that you meet one of these requirements. If you are experiencing any symptoms or are currently in an isolation/quarantine period due to a recent infection or exposure, please do not attend in person. 

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