3601 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089

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Please join Co,umbia University's Earth Institute at an information session to learn about our Master’s programs in Environmental Science and Policy, Sustainability Management, Sustainability Science and Climate and Society at Columbia University. The session will cover admissions, fellowships, and careers after graduation.

Columbia’s Earth Institute features over 850 scientists, managers, policy analysts, lawyers and engineers involved in research in the physical and social sciences, education and practical solutions to help guide the world onto a path toward sustainability. The Earth Institute works with many schools, departments and programs at Columbia University to develop rigorous and innovative curricula across multiple disciplines. The more than two dozen academic programs currently affiliated with the Earth Institute engage undergraduates and graduate students in the classroom, in the lab and in the field. Students learn hard environmental science, policy, and research and practical skills they can apply in the field, and in future employment.

For further details, queries may be directed to Avantika Goswami, Program Manager at The Earth Institute [agoswami@ei.columbia.edu].

Website: http://www.earth.columbia.edu/

RSVP preferred: https://fs21.formsite.com/earthinstitute/form481/index.html


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  • Annelise Werhel

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