In celebration of Earth Day, the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, the USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future, and GRoW@Annenberg are hosting a series of conversations around advancing climate change issues. A slate of political figures, academics, scientists, policy, and industry experts will address climate change through the lenses of social justice, business, communication, and politics as we look ahead to the priorities of President Biden’s Administration.

Each of the four days will focus on a different policy area that is critical to advancing climate change solutions.

Day 2: Business Roundtable

Leaders in the business sector will discuss actions being taken to address the social, economic, and environmental risks posed by climate change. What is the role of business in contributing to climate change and in mitigating it? Is there sufficient profit motivation for businesses to pursue more climate-friendly practices, and how does that profit motive square with company culture and corporate missions? Panelists will examine the real constraints on businesses that keep them from doing more, and potential means to overcome them.


  • Elissa Foster - Senior Manager of Product Responsibility, Patagonia 
  • Amy Luers - Global Lead for Sustainability Science, Microsoft
  • Elizabeth Sturcken - Manaing Director, ED+F Business - Environmental Defense Fund
  • John Viera - Former Global Director of Sustainability and Vehicle Environmental Matters, Ford Motor Company
  • Joe Árvai (Moderator)- Director, USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies

CLICK HERE to watch the video for "Climate Forward 2021- Day 2: Business Roundtable 4/20/2021". 

In partnership with the USC Staff Assembly Environment and Safety Committee, Office of Sustainability, USC Dornsife Environmental Studies Program, USC Employee Gateway, and Unruh Associates.

The discussion was livestreamed on the CPF Facebook page. Email for questions.

Click here for a summary of the entire Climate Forward 2021 conference by Aleena Parikh, the 2021 Summer Research Intern for the USC Center for the Political Future and the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies.

Click here for a summary of the entire Climate Forward 2021 conference by Tori Castle, the 2021 Summer Research Intern for the USC Center for the Political Future and the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies.

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  • Jennifer See
  • Monty Hughes
  • Timothy Torno
  • Jennifer Gribben

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