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Organizer: Paulina Oliva

The seminar talks are hosted each Tuesday from 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM, Pacific Time in SSL 202. 


Francesco Gabriele is a PhD candidate in Economics at University of Southern California. Hisresearch interests focus on Empirical Industrial Organization with an emphasis on Digital Economics and Quantitative Marketing. His research agenda also covers topics of behavioral and experimental economics, discrete-continuous choice models, field experiment, causal inference and machine learning.


Francesco's JMP studies the welfare effects of behavior-based price discrimination in digital markets. Combining large scale RCT data, structural demand model and counterfactual analysis via machine learning, he shows that personalized discounts increases e-commerce profit by 24% and consumer surplus by 4%. Additionally, he finds that behavior-based price discrimination complements personalized discounts by generating an additional 11% gain in profits, besides mainly benefiting loyal customers.

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