711 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90017

http://gould.law/tax #USCLawTax

For over 70 years, the USC Gould School of Law Tax Institute has been the essential three-day event for tax professionals, providing an in-depth examination of the hottest tax law issues and the latest business perspectives.


Join more than 70 experienced speakers from across the nation and internationally for the Institute’s conference, which will be hybrid this year (in-person audience and speakers at the Sheraton Grand Los Angeles with a virtual broadcast). 


Current Gould students have access to free registration, and recent Gould graduates (Classes of 2013-2023) enjoy a discounted registration. 

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Virtual registration includes all sessions (streamed live), luncheon presentations, continuing education credit, and downloadable copies of the Institute syllabus, from the convenience of your office or home.


Videos On Demand registration includes all sessions (at the conclusion of the Institute), luncheon presentations, continuing education credit, and downloadable copies of the Institute syllabus, that can be viewed at any time, for up to 3 months.

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