Thursday, February 10, 2022 1pm to 5pm
About this Event
Format: Presenters will be given 10 minutes to present the main contents of their papers. The panel presentations will be followed by discussant feedback (10-15 minutes), with the remaining time in each panel open to Q&A.
1:00-1:05 Introduction
1:05-1:55: Panel 1 (Gender)
Jung Hyuk Lee (USC, Ph.D. student - Economics) "An economic perspective on Korea’s
marriage decline –Transitory and secular"
Joohyun Park (UC Berkeley, Ph.D. candidate - Sociology) "Too fragile to be believed: The
medicalization of victim’s pain in sexual violence in South Korea"
Discussant: Chaewon Lee (Indiana University, M.A. student - EA Languages & Cultures)
Moderator: Do Own (Donna) Kim (USC, Ph.D. candidate - Communication)
2:00-2:55: Panel 2 (Governance)
Eun A Jo (Cornell, Ph.D. student - International Relations) “Pasts that bind: memory,
institutions, and the domestic politics of South Korean-Japanese reconciliation.”
Hwalmin Jin (Texas A&M, Ph.D. candidate - International Relations, Comparative Politics and
Methods) "Korean legislative voting on war issues"
John Grisafi (Yale, Ph.D student. - Religious Studies) "The limits of religious freedom in North
Korea: How the North understands religion"
Discussant: Kayeon Roh (USC, Ph.D. student - Politics and International Relations)
Moderator: Ewon Baik (USC - Politics and International Relations)
3:00-3:55: Panel 3 (Korea in the World)
Sophie Lockey (UC Berkeley, Ph.D. student - Slavic Literatures) “Ageless heroes of the
everyday”: North Korea in the discursive imagination of the Soviet Union, 1959"
Lina Nie (USC, Ph.D.student - History) "Before the storm comes: Diplomatic exchanges
between Mongols, Korea, and Japan before 1274 Bun'ei Campaign"
Haley Gordon (Stanford, Research Associate, Korea Program) "Reclaiming the “K” in “K-Pop”:
Korean popular music rediscovers its roots"
Discussant: Will Sack (Harvard, Ph.D. candidate - History)
Moderator: Gloria Koo (USC, Associate Director - Korean Studies Institute)
4:00-5:00: Professionalization Panel
Shin-dong Kim (Hallym University, Professor - Media and Communication)
Adrian De Leon (USC, Assistant Professor - American Studies and Ethnicity)
Moderator: Gloria Koo (USC, Associate Director - Korean Studies Institute)
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