LGBTQ+ Student Center

The LGBTQ+ Student Center is one of seven identity-based centers housed under Student Equity & Inclusion Programs (SEIP). The mission of the LGBTQ+SC is to provide support, education, advocacy, and community for all undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Southern California with an emphasis on students across the spectra of gender and sexuality. In carrying out its mission, the LGBTQ+SC is committed to engaging in its pillars of support, education, advocacy, and community by programming across the multiple intersections of identities within the diverse LGBTQ+ community, collaborating with its SEIP and university partners, and fostering intentional identity development and leadership development for USC students.

Image of LGBTQ+ Student Center
LGBTQ+ Student Center

The LGBTQ+ Student Center is one of seven identity-based centers housed under Student Equity & Inclusion Programs (SEIP). The mission of the LGBTQ+SC is to provide support, education, advocacy, and community for all undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Southern California with an emphasis on students across the spectra of gender and sexuality. In carrying out its mission, the LGBTQ+SC is committed to engaging in its pillars of support, education, advocacy, and community by programming across the multiple intersections of identities within the diverse LGBTQ+ community, collaborating with its SEIP and university partners, and fostering intentional identity development and leadership development for USC students.


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